What is LMAC?

Livestock Markets Association of Canada (LMAC) was formed in 1964 for the stated purpose of promoting the selling of livestock by public auction and to be a united voice to the Federal and Provincial Governments on issues affecting Auction Markets in Canada.

Auction Markets and Order Buyers who become members of their Provincial Markets Association automatically become members of LMAC.

LMAC is led by a Board of Directors. Five Directors are elected by the Provincial Association (usually these directors are the Provincial Presidents or their designates). Five Directors are elected at large by the LMAC membership at the annual meeting.

LMAC promotes the Auction method of selling and hosts the annual Canadian Auctioneer Championship to encourage Auctioneers to improve and showcase their skill.

Board of Directors


Craig Jacklin
VJV Auction Ponoka
4410-Hwy 2A
Ponoka, AB T4J 1J8
Office: 403-783-5561
Phone: 403-783-0349
Cell: 403-783-1453
Fax: 403-783-4120


Brock Taylor
Taylor Auctions Exports & Assembly
Box 568
Melita, MB ROM 1L0
Office: 204-522-3996
Phone: 204-877-3996
Fax: 204-522-8121

Executive Administrator

Rick Wright
Manitoba Auction Markets Association
Box 1923
Virden, MB R0M 2C0
Office: 204-748-7676
Cell: 204-748-7676
Fax: 204-748-2638

Provincial Appointment

Larry Witzel
Ontario Livestock Exchange Inc.
P.O. Box 443
Waterloo, ON N2J 4A9
Office: 519-884-2082
Phone: 519-884-2082
Cell: 519-741-6333

Provincial Appointment

Allan Munroe
Killarney Auction Mart
Box 1435
Killarney, MB  ROK 1G0
Office: 204-523-8477
Cell: 204-523-6161
Fax: 204-523-8190

Provincial Appointment

Mark Canart
Canart Cattle Co.
Box 4 C1
Monte Creek, BC V0E 2M0
Office 250 573 5605
Cell 250 371 4832

Provincial Appointment

Tyler Cronkhite
Cowtown Livestock Exchange
Box 730
Maple Creek, SK S0N 1N0
Office: 306-662-2648
Phone: 306-662-2648
Cell: 306-661-8786
Fax: 306-662-2615

Director at Large

Brent Brooks
Northern Livestock Sales
Highway 16 east
Lloydminster, SK S9V 104
Office: 306-825-8831
Phone: 306-240-5340
Fax: 306-825-7713

Director at Large

Casey Lawes
Provost Livestock Exchange
Box 808
Provost AB T0B 3S0
Office: 780-753-2369
Cell: 780-753-1466
Fax: 780-753-2493

Director at Large

Mark Ferraro
Brussels Livestock
Box 59
Brussels, ON N0G 1H0
Office: 519-887-6461
Cell: 519-492-181
Fax: 519-887-9449

Director at Large

Danny Skeels 
VJV Livestock
Box 1638
Rimby Alberta T0C 2J0
Phone  403-783-1217


Appointed Director

Patrick Cassidy 
Olds Auction Mart 
4613 54th street 
Olds Alberta T4H 1E9
tel: 403-559-7202


Provincial Executive Secretaries

Alberta Auction Markets Association

Sharon Bergevin
Box 5923
High River, AB
T1V 1P6


Livestock Marketers of Saskatchewan

Adele Buettner
#108 – 802 Heritage Crescent
Saskatoon, SK  S7H 5T3
Phone: 306-222-7601

Mountain Markets Association

Bob Miller
102 1402 McGill Rd
Kamloops, BC V2C 1L3
Office: 250-314-9686


Ontario Livestock Markets Association

Larry Witzel
Box 443
Waterloo, ON N2J 4A9
Office: 519-884-2082
Cell: 519-741-6333
Fax: 519-884-0509

Manitoba Livestock Marketing Association

Rick Wright
Box 1923
Virden, MB R0M 2C0
Phone: 204-748-7676