LMAC Hall of Fame
The Board of Directors of Livestock Markets Association of Canada has developed a new and exciting recognition program entitled The LMAC Hall of Fame Award. Our Association would like to recognize a person within the livestock marketing industry whose individual outstanding contribution of time, effort and skill has resulted in improving livestock marketing in Canada.
This prestigious award will be based on the individual’s achievements and their significant impact on taking livestock marketing in Canada to a higher degree of excellence. Nominations will be accepted from anyone, but the candidate must be an LMAC member or past member. A completed nomination form must be submitted to Livestock Markets Association of Canada, Box 1923, Virden, Manitoba, R0M 2C0. All nomination forms must be submitted by April 15th.
The Hall of Fame Award is an annual award presented to the successful applicant at LMAC’s annual convention.
The Board of Directors of Livestock Markets Association of Canada encourages participation by having at least one nomination per province within Canada.
For further information regarding the program, please contact Rick Wright at 204-748-7676 or rwrightlmac@gmail.com.
Please use the buttons below to download the forms for the Hall of Fame Award and the Memorial Honour Roll.
LMAC Hall of Fame Inductees

Jack McKennitt

Danny Rosehill

Bill Jameson

Ron Sim

Gene Parks

Blair Vold

Mike Fleury

Larry Witzel

Rick Wright

Jim Wideman

Ken Hurlburt

Roy Rutledge