LMAC Hall of Fame

The Board of Directors of Livestock Markets Association of Canada has developed a new and exciting recognition program entitled The LMAC Hall of Fame Award. Our Association would like to recognize a person within the livestock marketing industry whose individual outstanding contribution of time, effort and skill has resulted in improving livestock marketing in Canada.

This prestigious award will be based on the individual’s achievements and their significant impact on taking livestock marketing in Canada to a higher degree of excellence. Nominations will be accepted from anyone, but the candidate must be an LMAC member or past member. A completed nomination form must be submitted to Livestock Markets Association of Canada, Box 1923, Virden, Manitoba, R0M 2C0.  All nomination forms must be submitted by April 15th.

The Hall of Fame Award is an annual award presented to the successful applicant at LMAC’s annual convention.

The Board of Directors of Livestock Markets Association of Canada encourages participation by having at least one nomination per province within Canada.

For further information regarding the program, please contact Rick Wright at 204-748-7676 or rwrightlmac@gmail.com.

Please use the buttons below to download the forms for the Hall of Fame Award and the Memorial Honour Roll.

LMAC Hall of Fame Inductees

Jack McKennitt

Jack McKennitt

The story of Jack’s life more closely parallels the growth and development of LMAC more than anyone could possibly imagine. As you look at Jack’s life’s journey, you will see that his path was destined to intersect with the LMAC long before its inception.  On a mild Monday in March… READ MORE
Danny Rosehill

Danny Rosehill

Danny Rosehill is a second-generation auction market owner/operator. His father, Charlie, was one of the original ownership group that founded the Olds Auction Market 1953.  From a very young age Danny showed a keen interest in the livestock marketing and learned the business from his father and partners, uncle Art… READ MORE
Bill Jameson

Bill Jameson

Bill Jameson was born in Winnipeg in 1947, after high school he attended Lakeland Community College in Vermillion, AB.  In 1967 Bill Jameson started his career in the livestock barns for Canada Packers in Lethbridge. Over the years we worked his way up the ladder to a position in the… READ MORE
Ron Sim

Ron Sim

Ron Sim is a past President of LMAC. His leadership of LMAC and his contributions to both the national and provincial auction markets associations qualified him as a worthwhile candidate for the LMAC Hall of Fame Award. Nominated by Chance Martin of the Thorsby Stockyards Inc., along with the support… READ MORE
Gene Parks

Gene Parks

After serving with the RCMP, Gene Parks decided to try a new career.  In 1982, he started the auction business selling purebred cattle, farm and consignment auctions. When the regular auctioneer at the local 4-H cancelled at the last minute, the organizers asked Parks if he would volunteer to sell… READ MORE
Blair Vold

Blair Vold

Blair Vold has served on the LMAC board of directors for over 10 years and was elected to position of President. Blair Vold has been involved in the livestock marketing industry all of his life, and has served as the President of the Alberta Auction Market Association and was an… READ MORE
Mike Fleury

Mike Fleury

The Hall of Fame selection committee selected Mike Fleury for the 2016 Hall of Fame award. It was Fleury’s first time on the nomination ballot. Mike Fleury has been a huge supporter of LMAC for many years and has been very active in the marketing sector. He has served as… READ MORE
Larry Witzel

Larry Witzel

In the 1970’s, Larry Witzel was hired as a part-time employee of Ontario Livestock Exchange (OLEX) in Waterloo, Ontario. Here, he was responsible for receiving hogs and chasing them to the auction ring. Meanwhile, back on the beef and hog farm where he grew up, he practiced his auctioneering skills… READ MORE
Rick Wright

Rick Wright

The Livestock Markets Association of Canada is pleased to announce that Rick Wright from Manitoba has been selected as the 2014 inductee to the Livestock Marketer’s Hall of Fame. Wright, whose name is synonymous with the livestock marketing industry in Manitoba, was nominated for this national award by Manitoba Livestock… READ MORE
Jim Wideman

Jim Wideman

Visionary, Creativity, Leader are all words that describe Jim Wideman. Status Quo is a word that is not in his vocabulary. He thinks outside of the box and challenges those around him to do the same. When people say Why? He  says  Why Not? Jim was born in Waterloo County,… READ MORE
Ken Hurlburt

Ken Hurlburt

Ken Hurlburt is one of those people who make a difference - to his family, to his profession and to his country. He is highly skilled at what he does; he has a great affection for people, an engaging sense of humor and an infectious laugh. His diplomatic and marketing… READ MORE
Roy Rutledge

Roy Rutledge

Roy's contributions to the Canadian cattle industry and the auction market system span decades. As a visionary entrepreneur who saw the merits of presorted calf sales; as an award winning auctioneer and respected auctioneering judge; as a preferred speaker at provincial and national events; as a prolific columnist and natural… READ MORE
Ralph Vold

Ralph Vold

Visionary, Pioneer, Industry Leader: all three words could be used to describe this year's Hall of Fame winner: Ralph Vold. Ralph was born Dec.3,1930, the youngest of 4 boys. He was raised in the Ponoka area, and even though his many journeys took him many places, he home has always… READ MORE